What should you know about LPG cylinders?
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Frequently asked questions
How do I check if the gas cylinder connection is leak-tight?
In order to check if the gas cylinder connection is leak-tight, you should spray the connection points (the valve on the cylinder and both ends of the gas hose) with a foam from a special tester or with soapy water. Any leak will cause bubbles to be formed, which will indicate the leaking point.
How much gas should there be in the cylinder?
The amount of gas in the cylinder should be equal to that indicated on the cylinder. For instance the gas cylinder shown below has an 11 kg marking, which means that it contains 11 kg of gas.

How often should the gas hose be replaced?
The flexible hose should be replaced when it shows signs of damage or after the period of usage time indicated by the producer. If the packaging or the hose do not have the usage time shown, it should be replaced at least every 3 years.
How often should the reducer be replaced?
The date when the reducer should be replaced depends on the usage conditions and the manufacturer’s recommendations – it may be indicated on the reducer or its packaging. However we assume that it should be replaced at least every 10 years. Should the reducer get damaged, it must be replaced immediately.
What are the basic rules for using gas cylinders safely?
Using a gas cylinder requires following some safety rules presented in this video:
How do I connect a steel cylinder?
Watch these video instructions on how to connect a steel gas cylinder:
What are the dimensions of the 11 kg steel cylinder?
595 – height in mm (+/- 3mm),
300 – diameter in mm (+/- 3mm)
What are the gas characteristics?
LPG is a mixture of aliphatic hydrocarbons under its own vapour pressure. The main components are propane and butane. This liquefied gas is colourless, and due to special odorizing has a sharp, unpleasant odour. The boiling point of the liquefied gas depends on the proportion of the product’s components: from -45oC (propane) from -0.5oC (butane) The lower explosive limit starts from 1.8% volume, the upper is equal to 10% by volume in air. The gas is heavier than air, if released it gathers close to the ground. Staying in the high concentration vapour of the gas may cause nausea, headaches and dizziness.
What distinguishes the AmeriGas NANO cylinder?
The AmeriGas NANO is a new generation cylinder. It is nearly 40% lighter than the typical steel cylinder – the empty cylinder weighs just 6,6kg. It may be connected without using any tools thanks to the special Klik-On reducer (the so-called: quick-connect coupling). The cylinder has a special three-layer structure, which makes it light, resistant and aesthetically pleasing.
Why is there propane in the AmeriGas NANO cylinder?
Using propane in the AmeriGas NANO cylinder makes it possible to use it also outside, even at low temperatures. One of the properties of propane is a higher combustion temperature, which lets you heat your meal faster.
Can I use the AmeriGas NANO cylinder in my RV (camper van)?
The AmeriGas NANO cylinder is perfect for your RV. You should remember however, that you need a 513-type adapter to connect the cylinder in your camper (it may be bought in shops with RV accessories or in AmeriGas).
How much gas is there in the AmeriGas NANO cylinder?
The AmeriGas NANO cylinder contains 8kg of propane.
How does the valve in the AmeriGas NANO cylinder differ from the turn-valve in the steel cylinders?
The valve in the standard cylinders has a threaded stub pipe outlet marked as G12 (according to EN15202) (W 21.8 x 1/14" LH in accordance with the DIN 477 standard). The valve in the Nano cylinder has a click-on type stub-pipe outlet (G59 in accordance with the EN 12864 standard), which enables a very quick connection of the reducer. The valve has a built-in safety valve.
What are the dimensions of the AmeriGas NANO cylinder?
Total height: 507 mm,
Diameter 310 mm,
Empty cylinder weight: 6,6 kg
What are the gas characteristics?
The DOM LIGHT cylinder
Do I have to replace my BP Gas Light cylinder with the AmeriGas DOM LIGHT cylinder?
The replacement of the BP Gas Light cylinder is necessary because this gas cylinder model is being withdrawn from the Polish market. According to the Polish regulations these cylinders will not have renewable legalization, which means that using them will not be in line with the regulations and safety rules.
What is the reason for the replacement of the BP Gas Light cylinders with the AmeriGas DOM LIGHT cylinders?
The first reason for the replacement is the expiration of the legalization period of the BP Gas Light cylinders which will take place soon. Legalization is the confirmation that the gas cylinder has been approved for the market and that it fulfills all the technical and safety standards. The second reason is the withdrawal of all cylinders with permanent BP Gas marking from the Polish market.
What distinguishes the AmeriGas DOM LIGHT cylinder?
The AmeriGas DOM LIGHT is a new generation cylinder so it is light and comfortable to use every day! The empty cylinder weighs just 6,8kg. Thanks to the special Klik-On reducer (the so-called ‘quick-connect coupling’) it can be connected very quickly without the use of any tools, whereas the compact size means you can put it for example in one of your kitchen cabinets.
How do I connect the AmeriGas DOM LIGHT cylinder?
To connect your AmeriGas DOM LIGHT cylinder, you need a Klik-On reducer (the so-called ‘quick-connect coupling’). Watch this film to see how you can quickly connect your cylinder using the Klik-On reducer:
Why is there propane in the AmeriGas DOM LIGHT cylinder?
Using propane in the AmeriGas DOM LIGHT cylinder means that you can use it in more ways, not only at home but also outside, even at low temperatures. Propane also has a higher combustion temperature, which means you can cook your meals faster.
Can I use the AmeriGas DOM LIGHT cylinder in my RV (camper van)?
Yes, you can. However to do this, you have to use the 513-type adapter (available in shops with RV accessories and in AmeriGas).
How much gas is there in the AmeriGas DOM LIGHT cylinder?
There is 10 kg of propane in the AmeriGas DOM LIGHT cylinder.
How does the valve in the AmeriGas NANO cylinder differ from the turn-valve in the steel cylinders?
The valve in the standard cylinders has a threaded stub pipe outlet marked as G12 (according to EN15202) (W 21.8 x 1/14" LH in accordance with the DIN 477 standard). The valve in the Nano cylinder has a click-on type stub-pipe outlet (G59 in accordance with the EN 12864 standard), which enables a very quick connection of the reducer. The valve has a built-in safety valve.
What are the dimensions of the AmeriGas DOM LIGHT cylinder?
Total height: 539 mm,
Diameter of the container: 300 mm,
Diameter of the casing: 306 mm,
Empty cylinder weight: 6,8 kg
What is the gas characteristics?
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